Thursday, May 1, 2008


Here are a couple of quotes/thoughts which I resonate with. They are from Jim Cymbala's book, "Fresh Wind Fresh Fire." Good stuff.

Cymbala quotes William Law, a 18th century Englishman: "Read whatever chapter of Scripture you will, and be ever so delighted with it-yet it will leave you as poor, as empty and unchanged as it found you unless it has turned you wholly and solely to the Spirit of God, and brought you into full union with and dependence upon Him."

Often times I can read the Bible, but it can seem blah and dry and unapplicable. It is pretty easy to grasp intellectual concepts in the Bible. But what is important is connecting with the Spirit of Christ, who breathes life to the words on the page. Without a living connection to Him, we cannot truly understand/grasp the heart of the Scriptures, the heart of God, and we cannot truly live in the power that He offers. It's funny because the common conception is that faith is easy because it just takes a simple act of believing. People think that intellectually rationalizing concepts in the Bible is more difficult. I think it's the opposite. It's easy to see how many theological concepts "fit" into a "system" of theology. It's much more challenging to truly believe the incredible words on the pages of the Bible, to believe what God has done, to believe that His Spirit lives in us, to believe that we can experience the living God, perform miracles, receive true forgiveness, not be a slave to sin, be set apart. That's tough, but that's where life is found.

Going along with that thought, Cymbala points out in a relevant Scripture in John 5 where Jesus is talking to the religious leaders: "You diligently study the Scriptures because you think that BY THEM you possess eternal life. These are the Scriptures that testify about me, yet you refuse to come to me to HAVE LIFE." It's not by knowing Scriptures that we have life, but by coming to Jesus. Nor is it by reading books about God, like Cymbala's. Everything needs to point to a real, living experience with the true, living God.

1 comment:

Sharon Murphy said...

Praise the Lord!! Doug, Joni gave us your blog address so I read the last several entries and am blessed and happy for you! The truth is that the intellect was never meant to have preemince over the Holy Spirit, because the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life! It's that dying daily stuff that Paul talks about that gives us the power to walk in that new life and it really isn't that hard- it's a just a matter of choosing life and truth and freedom and joy and blessing and giving the Lord His rightful place in our life. Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom!! Hey, we are supposed to be the happiest people on the planet- we are free! It's getting the Kingdom perspective and we can only receive that from the King- so be blessed because you are positioned to receive as you stay intimate with Him and hungry and believe! Jesus wants to give you the Kingdom! Just keep on keepin' on! Tom & I & Kristen L. are leaving for Bogota on May 12, but we will be back before you got to Greece so it would be good to pray for you before you leave if you want.Call us when you are in town. The first Friday evening in June a few of us will probably be gathering at our house for worship if you want to come. Blessings, Sharon