Friday, July 13, 2007

Thought for the night...

I've decided I might use this blog to just post some random thoughts I have at the moment, or things I have been learning, so here goes.

I think God is calling me to simplify my walk with him. I believe I mentioned this in my first blog, but it has been on my mind a lot recently. He's calling me to listen and obey. Very simple concept, but quite difficult to act out sometimes. And in order for me to listen to Him, I have to be surrendered to what He wants for my life. Earlier this evening I was visiting Mitch at the hospital, and we dialogued about what it means to surrender our lives to God. I sincerely desire him to be guiding me and directing me, but it is so easy to just take control and try to run my own life my own way. It seems much more natural to do the latter, but certainly less fulfilling. To be honest, I don't know practically how to surrender my daily life to God...what does that look like? I know I need to, and I know I need the Spirit guiding and empowering. If anyone has any wisdom to dispel, please do so.

I have been so very blessed to be around such amazing family and friends in the Spokane area. I am realizing this more and more, and how I took that for granted while I was there. I appreciate your prayers as I have gone through a pretty intense homesick phase and am now just trying to adjust to all the changes and get my feet wet in the community. Yesterday and today I got the chance to chat with some people in the community (at a carwash, the grocery store, etc) and it felt good to start to get plugged in to the area. One brother in Christ actually offered to help promote the cafe by passing out our fliers, which was neat.

I am very encouraged with the cafe. Sam (the pastor) came back tonight and it will be good to get on the same page with him and start pursuing some marketing options. I am also going to pursue some intentional accountability with a couple of guys down here, because we all need that. Being a Christian by yourself just doesn't work.

Sam, Christy and I are going to a Los Angeles Angels baseball game tomorrow, which I am quite excited for! Allright I'm going to bed...


1 comment:

Jen said...

Sup Douglas! Very exciting!! I'm excited for you! I spoke with your mom a couple weekends ago when cousin Jason was in town visiting. She told me about your CA adventure, pretty sweet! I of course can relate to the moving away from family and friends. It has it's tough times but it has it's good times for sure. I hope you enjoy your new area! Glad you're doing a post so I can hear about your adventure!

It's awesome too to hear what God is teaching you...though it's tough but the end result will also be so worth it. Glad you're listening to Him. :) He's the only sane one for me, with me living in Seattle. :)