Friday, July 27, 2007

Early Morning Surfing

Hello people, it's been many days since I last chatted, so here's an update. This past week has been pretty crazy busy. Sam is speaking at a Family Camp in the Seattle area all next week, so he spent much of the week preparing for that endeavor. We were also busy entertaining possible tenants for the church, and we actually got one church to rent out our Sunday morning slot every week. That's a big praise, because our some of the aid we were getting from our conference is stopping at the end of this month. I suppose it should go without saying that God knows what he's doing (although I just said it...) Yesterday was my birthday and I spent the morning getting my first training session on the coffee cart. It will be nice to finish the training tomorrow morning and be able to practice and feel competent at what I've been hired to do.
After that I worked on some things on my car (replaced o2 sensor, etc), and it felt good to take make progress on that. Then we had a good bbq at Sam and Christy's place, and then played some basketball. It was a lot of fun.

Sam and Christy left this morning, and so Dion and I decided to go surfing after we took them to the airport. So we got up around 330 in the morning, dropped them off, and then tried to find the beach. It was supposed to be only about 10 minutes away from LAX but somehow Dion and I couldn't find the beach, and it took over two hours to get to one (we ended up going to Huntington). The waves weren't great, but it was still fun. Dion and I have just been working around the church-as you can see in the picture, we finally got up our two banners outside the church, which is sweet. So things are coming together.
It's been interesting having a change in work. I'm no longer in the clock on clock off kind of job, so I have to change my mindset. The schedule is obviously much more flexible, which is nice but can also mean I feel like I have to always be working.
Allright I'm falling asleep as I type, so thank you for reading this and for your prayers and calls, and I'll write some other time.


1 comment:

David said...

Tired? It says you posted at 4 something in the pm! You are an old man!