Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Pride Sucks

As I have been growing more and more in the Lord and experiencing him, a curious thing has popped up: pride. Obviously pride is always sneaking around, creeping up here and there, but I noticed it much more recently. I am not surprised this has happened, because as soon as things start going well our natural inclination is to start to get big headed and think we are hot stuff. Stupidly, we turn our focus off of the one who is the source of all good things in our life and start to think we ourselves should get the credit. This has happened in a couple of areas: one, with this blog, there is a temptation to just write something so that I will look good or appear like I'm learning a lot. Also, after God used me in leading worship the past two weeks, I found myself starting to think I was pretty hot stuff, that it was my own voice, my own ability which made it go well. Ridiculous. And there are many other examples. As soon as we start growing in the Lord more and more, either our eyes start being opened to our pride or we see the good things that are happening and naturally start looking inward at ourselves for the credit instead of to God. Or both. Pride. Something to be aware of. The Word says that God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble. The first words out of Jesus' mouth in the sermon on the mount: Blessed are the poor in spirit. Being humble enough to realize your need for Christ, to turn to him for strength and sustenance, not to yourself. To be poor in your spirit so that you can be rich in His.

Saturday, April 26, 2008


Sometimes it is so difficult to be focused. I tried to spend a good amount of quality time just listening to the Lord and seeking Him out, but I found myself not being able to focus for more than a few moments before thinking about other things. Baseball, the sun, basketball, guitar, relationships...kind of frustrating. I found it helpful to read some of the Psalms to help me pray my heart out. I know I need more of God, to be poor in Spirit, so I will continue to seek Him and trust that He will continue to be patient with my wandering mind.

On a different note, I was finishing up 1 Timothy the other day, and I think Paul was probably the original founder of Focus on the Family. Dobson's got nothing on him. Paul is emphatic on the importance of caring for one's family, especially the immediate relatives. He claimed that those who don't look after their own family are "worse than unbelievers," implying those who didn't claim to be Christians thought it normal and expected to take care of their own family, and so should Christians. In America, the family is becoming less and less connected and people are becoming more and more independent. Often times the attitude is to let everyone fend for themselves. I have to look out for number one. Paul calls us to not only love our neighbor, but to love and care for our own brother/parent/grandma. It was a good reminder for me to read that.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Weakness and Worship

I had an interesting day yesterday. Usually Sam leads worship for our Sunday night service, and I speak the message. Well, Sam was in Boise this weekend, leading worship and signing papers on his new house he bought. So I was given worship duties, and our new pastor Kevin preached. Let me give you a little rundown of my thoughts on leading worship. I usually stress out when I have to lead, especially if I am leading by myself. While I love music, playing guitar, piano, drums, whatever, I have quite little confidence in my vocal abilities. Consequently I usually shy away from leading with my voice and would rather just participate in the instrumental side of worship. Unfortunately, there was no other option last night. I was in charge of leading. I got everything set up in the afternoon, but I was a bit nervous for the evening. A couple hours before service started, Kevin introduced me to a friend of his, Paul, who graciously offered to help with worship. Paul and I ran through the set once, and after that there was about an hour before the service started. My feelings: I felt like worship was going to go poor/average, I didn't think we sounded together musically, I felt like I couldn't sing in tune, and I was literally resigned to the fact that this would be the last time I would try to lead worship because I was expecting it to go so poorly.

The service started, I led and felt the Spirit moving. I didn't feel too confident in my voice still, but with Paul's background vocals, I felt like God used us and it went well. The Spirit of God showed up and worked in me, and I didn't feel like I messed things up too much or sung too off key.

After the service was over, Kevin came up to me and thanked me for leading. I just thought he was being gracious and I thanked him for the compliment, but then he went on to say that he was really blessed by the worship, that he firmly believed I have a gift for leading worship, and that numerous other people had come up to him afterwards and said how much they appreciated the worship. I was blown away. I told Kevin that I was planning on telling him he could find someone else to lead worship for the next while because I didn't feel adequate to do it, and Kevin told me that he doesn't want anyone else to lead at all. He wants to use me for as long as I'm here. He proceeded to compliment me on some of the aspects of the worship leading, and I was incredibly blessed. It's crazy how much your perspective can change in just a few hours. I went from thinking I would be involved at worship leading much to thinking it could be a gift of mine. I was clearly being a little too proud and audacious to think that the quality of worship depended on my own vocal abilities. God got his glory, and he used us to allow people to worship him. I suppose you can get things confused and backwards when you start focusing on your own abilities instead of what God can do through you. This situation brought to my mind Paul's words about boasting in his weaknesses, for then God is strong.

I just thought I'd post that, because I feel like I am excited now to see what God has in store for me and to further develop some possible giftings of mine. Whatever happens, it's God working in me that causes the good to happen.

Also, I just fount out I AM NOW AN UNCLE!!!!!! Little Eli Joshua Pettis was born today around 3.15pm at 7lb4oz and 20 inches. Congrats DJ and Charese!

Thursday, April 17, 2008


I have thought for a long time that there is more to the Spirit of God than what I have allowed in my life. I see all the power and energy and life-giving examples in the New Testament and it makes me think there is more to God than I have allowed. In a sense, it is almost like I have been dampening the Spirit (1 Thes 5.19ff) when I want to be fanning the flame of the Spirit. Consequently, I have been seeking God, asking for more of Him, to know Him, and to be filled with His Spirit. I have also been exploring the various gifts of the Spirit mentioned and written about in the Word. Things like prophecy, healings, tongues, and other miraculous happenings. I know that all of these things are occurring all over the world right now, which is wonderful, but I want to grow in my understanding and equipping of them. Do I have the gift of prophecy? Maybe. Should I be confident that God can use me to heal people and perform miracles? Absolutely. The whole "charismatic" movement gets a lot of flak because of two reasons: it is just weird to some people, and it has been abused. But just because something is abused doesn't invalidate it. One error doesn't make it ok do do another error. "Do not treat prophecy with contempt, but test everything" (1 Thes 5). I am cautiously seeking after the gifts of the Spirit (1 Cor 13.31), testing everything, not as an end but simply because those could be manifestations and fruit for life with the Spirit of the living God. The goal is to seek God, know God, love God, be consumed by God and for God. As I live in His Spirit more and more, I want to be open to experiencing whatever else His Spirit has in store for me, which could be prophecy, tongues, healings, other miracles, etc.

Any thoughts? Does anyone think I'm going crazy/looney? "If I am out of my mind, it is for God's sake" 2 Cor 5.13a

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Speak Truth

Sam and I had a good discussion this morning about ministry. One thing we discussed was how often times we worry about being too invasive or judging and so we won't speak truth into people's lives. Or we will spoon feed basic biblical truths but not really call people into the lives that God wants for them. I'm fed up with that. I want to be able to speak the truth in love, and not worry so much about potentially upsetting people or offending some people. I understand the need to be gentle and loving in how you approach people and the motivation behind what you do, but it is so important to be willing to speak truth to others. In particular, we need to tell people who they really are in Christ. Identity in Christ is key, because it allows us to truly embrace our real self. There is great power in knowing who we are, knowing what Jesus has done for us. I am convinced I need to be more forward in encouraging people to live up to the calling God has called us to (Let us live a life worthy of the calling we have received). Allright that's it, just a quick ramble.

Monday, April 14, 2008


We had Doulos, our Sunday night worship service last night. We at Corridors are right in the middle of a transition, with Sam/Christy/me leaving at the end of May and new leadership coming in. The leadership is coming from Marina Christian Fellowship, and Kevin is the pastor who is in charge of overseeing Corridors as well until a new pastor is appointed. I was reminded last night of how much will change at Corridors. Not that change is bad, but it is usually uncomfortable. I can see that a ton of work needs to be done and many hurdles need to be overcome. Throughout the evening, though, I was reminded again and again that if this church is going to thrive, God needs to do it. Each and every person needs a living, vibrant relationship with Jesus. And despite the apparent difficulties and storms, I'm confident that God will carry through with the work he's been doing here in Pasadena. We just need more of God. A true and vibrant relationship, open and willing to seek and believe.

It's all about love. Love God, love each other, love yourself. I am reading in 1 Timothy 1 and Paul says that the goal of his command/encouragment is love. Love is at the core, the crux of who God is. God has attributes of strength, omnipotence, compassion, etc, but God IS love. Everything is rooted in that. In that same verse, Paul encourages Timothy to have love based upon a pure heart. What is a pure heart? I taught on this a few months ago in Jesus' sermon on the mount. Matthew 5 says "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God." When I read verses that speak on purity of heart, my first inclination is to think about purity in terms of guys and girls, lust, and so on. But God's trying to expand my viewpoint to something a little bigger. God's telling me to check my motivation in all that I do, and make it pure. That I would desire to act and live out of a love for God and to glorify God. Those are pure intentions, coming from a pure heart. God wants to transform my motives for doing what I do. I am definitely not there yet, and I don't even know what that looks like or how it will change. But I do know that if God's calling me to do it, then I just need to believe and ask and seek and he will answer.

Lastly, I am officially going to Greece this summer!!! The plan is to drive up to Spokane in early June, stay for a week, then fly out around June 10th. Then I will come back August 18th or so in time for Ky-Eazy's wedding extravaganza. Good things.

Thursday, April 10, 2008


I taught on this the other night at Doulos, our Sunday night worship service, so here is the cliff notes version.

Most of us all know Christian principles. Intellectually, we know how we are saved, what we are to do, the correct things to say, etc. But we are misguided when we use substitute living from those principles for living from the presence of God. Deut 8.8 says that we do not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. God's word, his breath, his presence breeds life. Often times in American Christianity we focus so much on having right belief and right intellectual thoughts about God that we aren't ever too concerned with actually experiencing him. This is a travesty. As much as it might look like you are being a "Christian" if you are doing Christian things, there is no life there. What is life-giving is being connected with the real presence of the living God. In the sermon on the mount Jesus speaks to this point early and often. He says that God hates the kind of religion that is all about the outward appearance but is not really transformed on the inside. I was listening to the Hillsong United song "Inside Out" today, and it had a whole new meaning when I sing it in light of what I've been talking about. "Consume me from the inside out" We need to be transformed on the inside first, being in real communion with the presence of God, and then the outward transformation will follow.

Another thing-if you are struggling with some kind of sin, believe that Jesus has conquered the power of sin for all of us and we are no longer slaves to it. Thus, pray that God helps you realize that truth and kills the sinful desire in you which you deal with. We are no longer to be held captive to sin. There is tremendous freedom in Christ. Ask and believe. Ask and believe.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Actually Colossians...

So that verse I mentioned in the earlier post about Christ dwelling richly in your heart? Well I said that it was in Ephesians 3, but the verse I was actually referring to is in Colossians 3. But hey, I'm sure they're both good chapters, right?

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Couple thoughts-

Something that's been running around my brain a bunch in the past couple months is the phrase in Ephesians 3 where Paul is praying for the church and asks that from God's glorious riches Jesus would dwell in their hearts. That's what God wants-us to be living off of the living presence of the living God. In 1 Thes 5 Paul pleads with the people to not put out the Spirit's fire. God's Spirit is a fire that wants to consume all. If we aren't reciving Him, making room, spending time listening and asking, then we are at the very least dampening his Spirit, if not extinguishing him. It's like there is this incredible unrealized potential in each of us, and we simply need to receive more of God's Spirit in our lives to begin to realize that. When a college sports star has some much potential for success and greatness in their sport, then they get injured or are lazy and make wrong decisions, people call it a travesty that they didn't fulfill their potential. There is a tremendous amount of unrealized potential in our lives. And it is a travesty if we are not seeking to fan the Spirit's flame, to live in what God has called us to be.

Something else God is doing: helping me realize my identity in Christ, and to live from that identity. To believe and receive and live. So, if I struggle with something (forgiveness, love, purity, joy, whatever), then I go to the Word and see what God has promised/declared, and pray that back to Him. If I struggle with purity in thought, then I turn to the Word where God says his will is for us to be sanctified, having pure thoughts, being set apart. Since I know that Jesus has destroyed the power/dominion of sin in the world, I know that I am not a slave to any sin. So I have confidence that, through him and his Spirit living in my life, I can be free to live for him. There is so much freedom and power in that way of living and praying!! If God's word says I am forgiven, I am free from sin, I am to be set apart, I am to encourage others, I am to love, I am to be consumed by Him, I am to have peace, then I WILL if I believe and ask God for it. It only happens through his living presence in our hearts/lives, but it will happen. Lots of power in this. Ask, ask ask.

I'm working on figuring out my identity in Christ. More to come as I learn.

Monday, April 7, 2008

What's up

God's doin some things

I asked for more of God, to really experience him instead of just act on his principles, and he's changing things. The Word becomes alive. It pierces my heart more. I can worship. I am not cynical (or not nearly as much as I was) and uber critical of every last detail. I can just worship God. Amazing! Until I just wrote these words, I didn't really realize how big of a deal that is. I hardly ever felt like I could worship in any kind of setting before, but now I can anytime I hear a sweet song I like. Crazy. I am becoming more free. It's not natural/normal yet for me to raise my hands, but it's becoming more so (not as worried about other people and what they think). I don't always feel God's presence. Even when I pray, sometimes it feels like nothing has changed since before when I wasn't seeking God's presence out as much. But something is different. His word penetrates me more. I am more willing to speak boldly about things I am learning and experiencing. I can see God working in situations. I am beginning to learn and embrace who I am in Jesus. Slowly. I repeat those promises back to God in prayer, and I am sure of them. I don't have things figured out, but I know that all I need is God's presence in my life, that Jesus would dwell richly in my heart, that I would be sanctified through and through. All I know is that I need to come to God and ask, ask, ask. Be real and ask. I don't feel like one thing is changing incredibly fast, but that just about everything is slowly undergoing a deep shift from its roots. My perspective is becoming different. God's doin some things. God's taking my feeble efforts at speaking and sharing his word and transforming them into something powerful true. I have this growing desire and sense of urgency to be spending quality time alone with God, listening, seeking, asking. I think God's stirring up his people to really embrace him and his Spirit and live with him. I think he's doing something big. That's what's up.

I believe God gives us words of wisdom not only to benefit us but to benefit others. So as I am learning and growing, I'll post some thoughts on this little site. Feel free to check them out if you like.