Monday, October 15, 2007

What's Good

Allright, here's the latest:

The past couple weeks have been kinda slow on the business side of things at the cafe. While we have been getting new customers virtually every day, there are still times where no one comes in as well. Part of that is due to some unusual circumstances which haven't allowed Sam and me to go promote at PCC, and some of it is just because we are starting a business from the ground and it takes awhile. Needless to say, the word is getting out to the community and we're excited for that. Today especially has been encouraing because we had a good time promoting and there have been many new people who have come in to check it out due to the signs we have up or just because of word of mouth. I talked to one of the leaders of the Black Student Alliance at PCC and she wants to use the cafe for a poetry slam they put on. All good things! God is doing stuff down here, and we're trying to give him the credit. Sam and I are trying to surrender the whole ministry to God and have faith (ie do what we can do, and then give the results to God and trust Him), but it's so easy to grab on and try to control things ourselves! Always a struggle...

We are having open mic nights every other Friday evening, and they have been incredible. It has actually seemed really therapeutic for many people to come and get things off of their chests. We've experienced quite the range of talent and a variety of performances, from rap to piano playing to spoken word to oprah to full bands. It's a great way to facilitate community where people can express themselves in a safe environment.

On the other Friday evenings we started that gathering I mentioned in my previous post. We are calling it Doulos, and we're doing it for three months and then reevaluating (By the way, Doulos is greek for slave or bond servant, showing who we pledge our allegiance and service to). We had the first one a couple weeks ago, and it went great. People really felt okay to speak up and share as I facilitated a discussion, and we also had a good time of praise.

DJ and Charese and Marlene came down this past week/end. It was wonderful to see them. We went to the Melting Pot for dinner Saturday, and it was incredible. Fondue is great. Also, DJ and Charese are pregnant. Good times. Unky Doug.



Unknown said...

Hey Doug,

It's me, Joseph, probably the only guy who asks for iced tea. I accidentally found your blog while looking for the Corridors Cafe site.

Well, I am less in the area now because I dropped my Chem class, but I hope to stop by. Hope business picks up.

Jim said...


It was great to see you and hang out a couple of weeks ago. I hope that God uses you and Sam to be part of and help create a great community of friends and faith in that awesome cafe of yours. Keep in touch.