Thursday, September 6, 2007

Quick Update

Hello friends, a couple of things:

1. first off you should check out our website:

It's legit. It's pretty new so we're working on adding things, but it's a good start.

c. We just mailed a new newsletter which shows what's been up over the past month or so and has pics and all that good stuff. If you got the first one about a month and a half ago, then one should be coming real soon. If you didn't, and you want one, email me and let me know.

VII. Because I spent a good amount of time writing that letter, I won't spend a lot of time writing this blog update, but feel free to call me or email me if you want to know more of what's going down here

rrs. Glorious news is upon us: the NFL season starts in t minus forty minutes, and tonights match up should be a doozy. Colts and Saints. Lovely. Sam and I just ordered NFL Sunday ticket, which means we will be able to watch all of the Seahawks games, as well as endless hours of all the other matches. Glorious. We plan on setting up shop on Sundays in Sam's living room, getting our recliners out, some mini fridges full of goodies and refreshments, put on our Seahawks jerseys, and sloth it for a majority of the day. Probably all day. Yes, we've turned into those guys.

4. On a different note, we've all been really encouraged by the cafe. It's been slow (especially in the mornings), but there I've already established some good relationships with some locals who come regularly, and I'm confident that we are doing what God wants us to be doing. Tomorrow night we are having an open mic session, and there has been a great response by local musicians and artists. Should be fun, and should be a great way to get some exposure. God's been giving us encouragment every day, showing us that (even if it seems slow) we are on the right track. Many people have said that this kind of community hang out is exactly what the area needs and people have been stoked.

IX. Sam and I have gotten up every morning a half hour before we need to to get together and just pray and chat with God and read some of the Word. It's been good, because it is something I'm beginning to rely upon. It's often tough at first because I'm sleepy, but God always meets us there and gives us a word for the day.

q. Thanks for your prayers and thoughts, I thought this update would be quick but it turned out to be long. Oh well. I don't have any new pics, so I'll just take one of myself on this computer and post it just in case some of you forgot what I look like.

Til next time!

PS happy bday to Dad, Smashly, Justine, Bishop Thomas, and everyone else who's day is right around here

1 comment:

Unknown said...

D -
Your paragraph numbering/lettering slays me -it's the written equivalent of screechy fingernails...

Much love, oh brother of mine!